Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How to change your mindset to be more positive

How to change your mindset to be more positiveHow to change your mindset to be more positiveExcellent questionThere are so many reasons for not having a positive mindset. We fail at something, we dont achieve what we set out to do, we dont get what we expected we would, we experience a loss, we get exhausted from our work or school responsibilities. And then our inner critic takes over. We start telling ourselves, why did you think you were better? You cant even do one simple thing right. Youre incapable You shouldnt expect things to go right for you. You dont deserve successSound familiar?That inner critic is the one you need to watch out for. Why? Because it forces you to filter reality through a negative lens so you dont see any possibilities, any options for making a change, any light at the end of the tunnel.How do you harness that inner critic and start seeing your life as one of abundance instead of a life of limitations?Try beginning your day with this 5-minute habit that wil l restructure your brain and help you build a positive mindset.Start every morning by saying, thank you.In other words, incorporate a few minutes of gratitude into your day.Why is this so important to creating a positive mindset?When you live your life on auto-pilot, without really considering what you have going for you, you lack awareness. Theres so much you do have, and its not just things you also have experiences, family and friends, memories, pockets of happy moments, laughter your shared with someone, your personal strengths, your skills and talents, and you most likely also have a reasonable amount of knowledge about the world and how it works.In reality, you dont focus on any of that. What do you focus on instead? On everything else around you- other people, other peoples things, other peoples accomplishments, other peoples relationships, problems, obstacles standing in your way, impossibilities. The list goes on and on. Thats a dangerous path to take because it can easily set you up for anxiety, overwhelm, unhappiness, and a feeling of failure.How does saying thank you increase the quality of your life?It rewires your brain to think about positive things. You start thinking about things that you do have going for you, instead of obsessing about the things you do not have and that can leave you feeling frustrated and unhappy.It helps you to see life as plentiful instead of empty. This is very, very important because its a shift in your mindset. Its a switch to leading a life full of abundance instead of a life of scarcity.It creates a positive tone to your day. Think of it as a personal soundtrack to your life, which can impact your attitude not just for that particular day, but for your entire life moving forward.How do you start practicing a habit of gratitude?Start early. When you start your day with gratitude, you will feel the effects throughout the day. Take a few minutes when you wake up and before you start getting ready for work or school. Gi ve yourself some quiet time to focus on what you want to say. You might want to close your eyes while you think about it, or maybe youll want to write your thoughts down and then say them out loud.Start small. Focus only on 3 things you are grateful for today. It can be the simplest of things having a thermisch bed to sleep in, a roof over your head, a job that pays the bills, a friend or a partner who you trust, food in your fridge, a dog or cat that you have as your pet, an education that will empower you to take charge of your life and become independent. You can also think about a recent pleasant experience, such as spending time with a friend or enjoying a beautiful walk in nature.Be specific. If its that one person youre grateful for having in your life, emphasize which of their qualities you are grateful for (theyre warm, gracious, smart, funny, creative, honest, etc.). If its having your own room or apartment, point out why this is important to you (you can have quiet time i n the evening to relax, read, or work undisturbed). If its being part of a community or circle of friends, emphasize how being around them makes you feel and think of a recent evening you spent together.This post first appeared on Quora.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Paul Suggett - The Balance

Paul Suggett - The BalancePaul Suggett - The Balance

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How 3 Real Jobscan Users Landed Their Dream Jobs

How 3 Real Jobscan Users Landed Their Dream Jobs How 3 Real Jobscan Users Landed Their Dream Jobs Its like a search engine for writing resumes. ThistoolishowI gotmyjob.Jobscan User 3I run Jobscans Live Chat desk, and after three years at Jobscan, Ive heard a lot of job search stories directly from the people who use our service. My favorite stories? Success stories Im inspired all the time by users who send me a message to let me know theyve found a job. In the interest of passing on some of that inspiration to other job seekers, I spoke with three Jobscan users who found jobs using our tool. I wanted to know what they learned from using Jobscan, how long it took for them to find a job, and what some of their major challenges were throughout their job search. I hope what youll notice most about each of these job seekers experiences is how vastly different they are from one another. No job search is the same, but that doesnt mean each one cant lead to success.Jobscan User 1 Insurance SpecialistCurrent IndustryInsuranceBefore I started using Jobscan, I never got a call back on resumes I sent out. Once I started using Jobscan, I received a call-back about half of the time.Length of job search 10 months. Biggest challenges 1. Getting through to the hiring manager.2. Nothavingastrongenoughnetwork.This business insurance is a lot about who you know. I just moved to a new area where I dont know anyone.How did Jobscan help in your job searchIt taught me how critically important it is to give the robots what they are looking for. I didnt realize so little effort was put into reviewing resumes to select the most qualified applicants.If you dont use the exact word they are looking for, your resume will never be seen by human eyesAny tips for current job seekers? Create your base resume, which is what you would be proud to hand to a human. For each position you apply for, start over with that base resumedont modify the resume from another position. If you keep evolving the resume (modifying the most recent copy each time) you eventually end up with a mess that is nothing but keywords but no longer represents what makes you special.Jobscan User 2 Operations ManagerCurrent Industry TechnologyJobscan allowed me to quantify whether I was using the right language and enough of it in my resume, which was very helpful.Length of job search 6 months.Biggest challenges1. Molding past work experience to fit the skills and needs of the new organization.Doing this required me to understand the skills and values the new organizations consider important through the language they use and how they talk about their work.2. Countering stereotypes about previous industry. Unfortunately, there are stereotypes that people who work in federal government somehow cannot move fast, or work under pressure or tight deadlines. Some people I spoke to were more open-minded than others about adjusting their perceptions, and that is to be expected.How did Jobscan help in your job se arch?I learned about ATS and how important it is to understand these systems as a job-seeker, especially if youre seeking to be a competitive candidate to the largest and most competitive companies.Any tips for current job seekers?Understand the language of the organization(s) you want to join and use that language in your resume, LinkedIn profile, and when networking. This will make you seem like an insider who has already done their research, so people can already visualize you working for that organization.Jobscan User 3 IT Manager Current Industry Information TechnologyThe hiring manager at my current job says my resume prior to using Jobscan would never have gotten me hiredLength of job search 3 months.Biggest challenges1. Industry change (from business management to IT)2. Applying for jobs and never getting an interview 3. Not being able to rely on a professional network.People could count on their network in the past to help connect them to new jobs, but today, people move ar ound so much more, so it has become a lot harder to rely on those connections.HowdidJobscanhelpinyourjobsearch?IdidntknowanythingaboutATS,butafriendrecommendedJobscanandguidedmethroughitthetoolidentifiedhugegapsinmyresumeandexplainedwhatwasmissing. Its like a search engine for writing resumes. ThistoolishowI gotmyjob.Any tips for current job seekers?Learn about the current job search world and utilize all the tools at your disposal if you want to be successful. You cant rely only on your professional network anymore, so its time to explore new methods.Try out Jobscan without leaving this article by pasting your resume and a job description below. Head to the Jobscan homepage to upload your resume for additional formatting checks.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The ultimate pre-vacation checklist

The ultimate pre-vacation checklistThe ultimate pre-vacation checklistAs the President of the United States heads out on his vacation, youre probably thinking about yours too. Whether its a beach or an incredible new city to explore, youre picturing all the relaxation youll do an all the email youll ignore. But before you walk out the door, there are a few critical things you need to do so you can actually enjoy your vacation while also not stressing out when you get back to the geschftszimmer.Here are six steps to take before you head out for that perfect vacation.Delegate work to othersIts tempting to fall into the work-martyr dream of letting your colleagues see what its like to function without you. But if you are even the least bit useful in your job, it will create utter chaos if no one at all does the tasks you usually do. Things will get backed up, people will get stressed, and theyll get mad at you for taking a vacation when they need you. They may also track you down wherev er you are and force you to do that work anyway. So if you dont want to handle a last-minute client project while youre trying to soak up the rays, its crucial to be practical and delegate work to your various kollektiv members before you go anywhere.In the days leading up to your vacation, meet with your co-workers and clearly explain any responsibilities youll need them to take on while youre away and how their own roles may be affected by your absence. Hand over any information thats necessary to get those tasks done (for instance, account login information), and dont forget to factor in the day or two itll take you to get back into the swing of things when you return and may need extra help.Set up a detailed email autoresponder and/or voicemailWhile you can always add a little personality into your email autoresponder (Im away on a tropical beach somewhere), the best autoresponders include the following information How long youll be gone. When the person emailing you can expect a reply or actionThe name and contact information of the person on your team who can be contacted if its an urgent matterIf youre completely out of ideas, here is the perfect out-of-office email response, from one of the most brilliant executives we know.If you have your own phone line at your office and are going to be gone for a significant amount of time, remember to also record a new voicemail message.Clean up and organize your office spaceWhile we want to just up and leave everything to embrace the relief of vacation, tischset aside 30 minutes to organize your desk a little.Coming back to a clear desk and an empty trash can is a beautiful thing and will significantly reduce your , so take the extra five minutes before you go to file away any papers, throw away takeout containers and wipe down your desk and computer.Another pro tip If theres any important information your team may need access to while youre away (like client contracts or account passwords, for example), leave ou t a sticky note with that info to avoid a frantic Whats the login for our Twitter account?? email.Set clear expectations and boundariesHow much time will it take you to respond to any urgent work emails? Is there a specific time of day when you may be online to chat for a bit? Is it okay for colleagues to go into your filing cabinet while youre away to look for something? These are the types of questions you need to answer for your team before you pack up and leave.And while expectations are important, its also critical to set boundaries pre-vacation. If youre going to unplug during your entire vacation or will only respond to emails at specific times, let your team know.Plan for work emergenciesIf your team has no other choice but to go for the nuclear option when youre not there, what should they do? Give specific and action-oriented instructions for what to do in the event of a major problem.Most importantly, set very clear expectations of what constitutes an emergency, and keep the list of emergencies short. You dont want colleagues calling you panicked over an arbitrary Excel typo.Look ahead before you leaveWere all guilty of getting so caught up in the pre-vacation fervor that we forget that we eventually have to come back from vacation at some point. If you dont want to be crying at your desk upon arrival, address your post-vacay to-do list before you head out.Check your calendar for any important deadlines that come up right after you come back to work. Is there anything you can do in advance to ease your workload in the future? Are there deliverables that need to be taken care of while youre away?If you want to make your vacation a truly relaxing and enjoyable experience, take the extra time at work to get your ducks in a row. Your future self will thank you.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

3 Investments to Improve Your Chances of Landing a Job

3 Investments to Improve Your Chances of Landing a Job3 Investments to Improve Your Chances of Landing a JobAs a job seeker, you naturally expecta return on your job search in the form of a steady paycheck and gainful employment, right?While a position with a steady paycheck is your primary goal, you might need to make an investment at times to get to that point.Some job seekers move quickly through the process of landing a job.These are the ones who understand that they must give a little on the front end at times.What does this mean, practically?Investing in a job search might include the followingGetting a new interview outfitEnlisting someone to create a professionally crafted resumeSpending time and money onother necessary expensesBelow are a few additional investments to consider if you are currently seeking employment or will be this year.Volunteer your servicesThe skills you need in orderto remain successful in your industry can change at a rapid pace.If you spend even a few months unemployed, you may end up behind.When you find yourselfout of the loop of new technology, the impact of being out of work is only intensified.How can you offset this problem?Trying volunteering in your industry.This can keep your skills from becoming stagnant.Is there a nonprofit organization, school, or small geschftlicher umgang in the area?Does it have a lean staff?Can you use relevant skills in this organization or business?If so, this is a perfect place to offer your expertise.It is a win-win situation.The company will receive the assistance and you will have recent experience on your resume.Meanwhile, you will be staying busy and keeping your skills sharp.The added bonuses of volunteering include working alongside professionals that can help you to get hired or refer you to someone else with a job opening.Get professional headshotsThis price of professional headshots may vary but they do not have to be overly expensive.You may be able to find photography student in you r area that will take your photos for a small investment or a grade for a class.Investing in headshots will improve your personal and professional brand.A professional photo will also make you appear mora approachable on social media (including LinkedIn).(For more LinkedIn photo tips check out 5 Tips For A Perfect LinkedIn Profile Photo.)I am not sure what is worse, the selfie profile picture or no photo at all.However, it is certain that a professional image of you with a nice and inviting smile will make recruiters want to read your profile and know more about you.The photo will help them to connect with you as well.Other places to put your professional headshotOn your business cardsOn your online resume profileJoin aprofessional organizationIs there a group or organization that specializes in educating, nurturing, or providing resources to people in your field?If there is not an official association, look for an informal group or meet-up.The fees can range in price but it is wort h the investment.Here are a few benefits of joining a relevant professional organizationIt will provide excellent resources for networkingIt will give your resume a boostYou will have the ability to network with your peersIf applicable, you will have the opportunity to hireprofessionals in your industrySome associations also have a job board that lists jobs exclusively for members.In that case, you will be able to get a leg up on the competition.May we help you?In summary, being a proactive job seeker is necessary to stand out from the competition.Whether your investment includes time or money, the return on the investment will be well worth it.Good luck with embarking on these three investments that can improve your chances of landing that dream jobDo you need help writing or updating your resume?Here at Find My Profession, we offer a terrific resume writing service.Contact us today and let us know how we can help you craft a professional resume for your job search.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Newly Leaked Secrets to Uf Resume Template Uncovered

The Newly Leaked Secrets to Uf Resume Template Uncovered Top Choices of Uf Resume Template Lets see how simple it is to begin With the exception of the initial two documents, theyre in no particular purchase. The background section lets a landlord get to understand slightly more about their possible tenant. Additional security checks may be required for a higher-level clearance. The Chronicles of Uf Resume Template It is your opportunity to demonstrate your interest in the business, highlight your experience and convey that youre the suitable fit for the job. Tell how youre a best match for the job. Your purpose is to explain why you could be excellent for the job. Research about the technical skills needed for the work standort that youre applying for. My aim is to find the job. Learn more regarding the federal hiring procedure. For instance, you may decide to left-align critical dates on your resume by including a left tab stop, which means that your dates are wholly a ligned with one abedrngnisher. Youre able to have a letter of recommendation by means of your rental resume, but you may also offer reference contact info in the body of your resume. For instance, an applicant can have a telephone interview and then an in-person interview. Make sure to assess your resume lots of times to assess if there are elend any grammatical errors present in the document. Anyone who would like to set you in charge of children may wish to see evidence that youre trustworthy and dependable. It will permit you to spot the appropriate positioning of the information which you want to provide to your prospective employer. Essentially, both documents serve the exact same intention of securing you a position, whether that be the job of employee or the job of qualitt student. Providing a rental resume when applying for a rental house is a good way to stick out in pool of applicants in a competitive rental market. however, it isnt a guarantee youll be approved. The Hidden Facts on Uf Resume Template Therefore dont be shocked if you discover lots of the exact information listed for both resumes and CVs You might also rearrange our templates sections to be able to highlight your strengths. Keep in mind, your resume or CV should emphasize your individual strengths. CVs provide a nearly limitless supply of feasible sections. Uf Resume Template - Dead or Alive? The cover letter is your very first impression made to a possible employer. You must have five objective statements. If youve already reached the choice to transfer, you can use our school transfer letter templates as references in making your own school transfer letter. Before you begin, it can be useful to review examples to have ideas for your resumes and cover letters. The Bizarre Secret of Uf Resume Template The download link is simply below the webpage title. If you believe a template belongs on this page, do not be afraid to add it. Every template isnt difficult to e dit and print Use a template to steer you in producing the format and content of your document for a much easier time in making an extensive expert profile. What to Do About Uf Resume Template Before Its Too Late It is projected that the vast majority of major companies now apply these systems to screen incoming resumes. If youre somebody who is changing careers, make certain you work in how your previous experiences can relate to your upcoming tasksthe same goes for people who are just beginning or who are relatively inexperienced. As you review them, you are going to observe there are creative approaches to compensate for a deficiency of substantial work experience. If for no other reason, obtaining the resume will enable you to easily finish all the on-line profiles teams require prospects to finish. Employing a resume template is extremely useful in making your professional profile. Whenever your application is ready, youre going to be sent from USAJOBS to the agency app lication system and after that it is possible to submit your application. More frequently than not, customizing your resume does not indicate a major rewrite, but instead just a couple tweaks. Creating a resume with the assistance of a template can help you become mindful of the resume areas that you must fill. The New Angle On Uf Resume Template Just Released Concentrate on their demands, and allow it to be clear the distinctive approaches youre able to address them. Resume objectives can be somewhat controversial. Your work experience will probably be among the longest sections on your resume. Your work experiences are among the most critical contents of your resume.

Monday, December 2, 2019

How to Recognize and Grow Talent in Your Company - Spark Hire

How to Recognize and Grow Talent in Your Company - Spark HireGetting high-performing individuals to join your kollektiv is one of the necessities of successful company growth and business development. However, in todays competitive job market, its very difficult to get top-shelf candidates interested. You might have noticed a large increase in the demand for job titles like ninjas, unicorns, and rockstars which goes to show that these days, companies have to try really hard in order to recruit star-level talent.But What If We Cant Get Them to Join?Some senior positions are very difficult to fill. Usually, its because competition is fierce and it skyrockets demands of potential candidates. Other times, it may be because the skills required are very specific and also rare, meaning youre going to have to choose from a smaller talent pool.Taking a closer look at your current staff to discover talent is a great way to compensate for the difficulties you come across during the hiring proce ss. Identifying talented employees or high-potential individuals (also known as HiPos) that are already a part of your organization and investing in their development is a very important aspect of talent management.Not only is it a great way to fill senior positions without initiating extensive recruitment and hiring campaigns, but youre also placing your bets on people you know. You have relevant expectations about how theyll handle specific situations. Since theyve been a part of your company for a while, you know theyre a cultural fit.Characteristics to Look for in Talented EmployeesWhen looking to identify talented employees, these are the four characteristics you should search forA Growth-Oriented MindplatzdeckchenIts a good idea to look out for people who are aware of their development and approach it strategically because, in that scenario, your goals are perfectly aligned. They are looking to better themselves and youre looking for a way to help them become a stronger asset to the company. Those who strive for self-improvement will be more likely to welcome and appreciate your efforts to help them grow.Leadership QualitiesSenior roles always come with some degree of managerial work. So its crucial that you look for people that have attributes that would make them a good leader one day. Top-level leadership requires an array of characteristics, skills, and qualities. Some can be developed by taking on a new role or via training but you should be able to spot specific behaviors that show an employees leadership potential. ansicht include taking initiative, accepting additional responsibility, good communication skills, and high emotional intelligence.Successful HabitsEfficient growth inevitably comes from situations where people rely on a set of healthy habits. Identifying good habits of your employees provides your assessment with consistency because these are the behaviors that are not very likely to change. Check out this list of habits of super succe ssful people to get a better impression of what types of behavior you should look out forRepresent Company Culture and ValuesLastly, talented employees should be personally invested in your company and its future. Employees who have internalized company culture will draw motivation and inspiration from this connection. This also means they truly value being part of the company, which makes them more likely to stick around.Methods of Identifying Talented EmployeesAnalyzing wertzuwachs and behavior is the most common approach for determining whether or not an employee is talented. There are many assessment methods you can use to get a better idea of your employees potential. Some of the most popular techniques include personality and cognitive ability tests, structured behavioral interviews, and work simulations. SHRM has created a detailed list of effective talent assessment hereSince the people you are assessing have been working in your company for some time, youll have access to a ll sorts of performance metrics for overall consideration. When analyzing employee performance to determine their level of potential, its strongly recommended to focus on their growth and not so much on the results. A talented person youre looking for wont necessarily stand out on results alone, but they could be relevant candidates if they improve their performance significantly in a short amount of time.Its important to point out that its not just about acquiring the data, its about knowing what to look for. The metrics that youre taking into account have to be relevant and adapted to the needs of your business in particular. Different positions will require different skill sets and characteristics, but your unique company culture will and should affect the standards of appraisal as well.How to Help Talented Workers GrowOnce youve identified talented individuals in your company, create a set of processes that allows them to reach their full potential. These are some of the most pr oven ways of helping your HiPos get to the next levelDevelop a Mentorship ProgramOne-on-one mentoring relationships can be a very effective way of employee development. If you yourself are not able to step into a mentorship role, you need to find someone within the company who can. Make sure that the person youve chosen to be the mentor has the required skills youd like for them to pass on to a talented mentee.Provide Them with Frequent FeedbackFeedback is an essential component of learning and you need lots of it if you want to grow efficiently. Annual reviews wont cut it. Try to develop a habit of providing your employees with regular feedback. Aside from getting personally involved, you can also encourage your employees to share feedback amongst themselves.Give Them More ResponsibilitySenior-level employees have to be resilient and resilience is developed over time, through experience and dealing with adversity. By allowing your talented employees to take on more responsibility a nd go outside of their comfort zone, you allow them to develop new skills. Youll also be getting a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.Allow Them to Move LaterallyLetting high-potential employees experience new assignments and roles instills a broader perspective in them. Not only is it another solid way for employees to build resilience but theyll also be able to understand their coworkers better. That understanding should then make them a better team player.About the AuthorMark is a biz-dev hero atInvoicebus a simple invoicing service that gets your invoices paid faster. He passionately blogs on topics that help small biz owners succeed in their business. He is also a lifelong learner who practices mindfulness and enjoyslong walks in nature more than anything else.